The Family Supports program was developed to provide support to families who are caring for a family member in their home. The goal is to relieve some of the
emotional and financial strains experienced by families, and to enhance harmony within the family unit. There are no income guidelines to participate , however, the individual may not be enrolled on a Medicaid Waiver. Assistance may be provided in covering some cost of therapy, adaptive equipment, camp, respite, disposable items (after age 3) and supplemental nutritional items. For more information contact our Family Support Specialist.

Family Support

Family Support Assistance

Assistance may be provided in cost for therapy, adaptive equipment, camp, respite, disposable items (after age 3) and supplemental nurtitional needs

An annual cap is set each year for the manimum amount of services to be approved. Services must be approved prior to purhase or services or items.

Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptive equipment
  • Home modifications
  • Disposable diapers (after age 3)
  • Supplemental nutritional items
  • Respite care
  • Camp
  • Cost of therapy

Family Support Forms

Hover over the pictures to download our family support forms!

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