In order to receive services through WCBDD, the individual seeking support must reside in Warren County, Ohio and meet the eligibility criteria established by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities to qualify.

Children 0-2 years old, contact Help Me Grow Referral Line

Children 3-5 years old, contact Melissa Thompson, Intake Specialist

Individuals 6 years and older, contact Amy Spencer, Intake Specialist

What is a developmental disability?

“Developmental Disability” means a severe, chronic disability that is characterized by all of the following:

  • It is attributed to a mental or physical impairment or a combination of mental and physical impairments, other than a mental or physical impairment solely caused by mental illness
  • It is manifested before age 22
  • It is likely to continue indefinitely

Eligibility Process For Individuals Under 3

For children who have not yet reached their third birth day, eligibility is based on at least one of the following:

  • Diagnosis from a list established by Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities
  • Delay based on a qualifying score on the Battelle Developmental Inventory
  • Informed Clinical Opinion by qualified evaluator.

Eligibility Process For Individuals Ages 3-5

For children ages 3-5 eligibility is based on one of the following:

  • Proof of 2 areas of delay
  • Cognitive, physical, sensory, communication, social, emotional, adaptive development
  • Established risk condition
  • A diagnosed medical disorder or physical or mental condition that has a high probability of resulting in a developmental delay.
  • Diagnosis of developmental disability

Eligibility Process For Individuals Ages 6-15

  • Has been diagnosed with a developmental disability by a qualified professional
  • Is determined to have at least three functional limitations based on results from the COEDI assessment completed by a qualified professional.
  • Areas Assessed Include: Mobility, Self-Care, Self-Direction, Capacity for Independent Living, Learning, and Receptive Expressive Language.

Eligibility Process For Individuals Ages 16 to adult:

  • Has been diagnosed with a developmental disability by a qualified professional
  • Is determined to have at least three functional limitations based on results from the OEDI assessment completed by a qualified professional.
  • Areas Assessed Include: Mobility, Self-Care, Self-Direction, Capacity for Independent Living, Learning, Economic Self-Sufficiency and Receptive Expressive Language.

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