If you are a provider and need assistance, please contact our Provider Development Coordinators at providerdevelopment@warrencountydd.org.
Also, if you are a provider and would like to add yourself as a provider accepting new individuals in Warren County to the WCBDD Provider Search Page, you may request to be added to Brittco by accessing the website here
DODD Online ICF Search Tool: https://data.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/data/view/dodd-waiver-provider-and-icf-search-tool
DODD Electronic ICF Informational Booklet: https://dodd.ohio.gov/wps/portal/gov/dodd/forms-and-rules/forms/pamphlet-options-counseling
Provider Search: https://maps.ohio.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=050ef877890c4161994749af358a2c47
Intermediate Care Facility (ICF) Search: https://maps.ohio.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=e49fcf1067e84d55862f2f2712125321
County Board Search: https://maps.ohio.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=69c73e050b684d1d80e75f307d58b50a
This web search is designed by DODD to help individuals, families and county boards search for providers and housing for Ohioans with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. A wide variety of waiver and supported living providers can be found, such as transportation, homemaker personal care and day services.
This is a supplemental tool to help search for Providers. These providers have added themselves to the WCBDD provider search tool. These providers can be found on the DODD search page in addition to the WCBDD provider search page.
This easy-to-use online tool is intended to help people select a provider and help improve overall services. It allows people to post public reviews on providers’ services and to read others’ reviews. People with disabilities and their families who have recently received services from a provider are encouraged to go into this tool, create an account, and write an anonymous review based on their experiences as well.
This Tool Coming Soon!
Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Website by Midnet Media.