This notice describes how personal information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Our Organization
This notice describes the privacy practices of the Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities (the DD Board). This notice also describes the privacy practices of persons or entities which have signed a contract with the DD Board, and which are acting as business associates and have promised to follow the same rules of confidentiality.
If you want to know about the privacy practices of service providers who are not employed by the DD Board and who are not business associates, you should contact them directly.
Privacy Promise
The DD Board understands that your personal information needs to be kept private. Protecting your personal information is important. We follow strict federal and state laws that require us to keep your personal information confidential.
How We Use Your Personal Information
When you receive services from the DD Board, we may use your personal information
for such activities as providing you with services, billing for services, and conducting our normal board business known as health care operations.
If you have chosen a personal representative and have agreed to let your personal representative obtain your personal information, we will provide the information to your personal representative. If you have a guardian we will provide the information to your guardian.
Examples of how we use your information include:
Treatment - We keep records of the care and services provided to you within the DD Board. For example, your service and support administrator keeps notes on all contacts made in coordinating and arranging for services. If you see a nurse working for the DD Board, the nurse will keep records of any care you receive. DD Board staff may share your personal information while helping to develop your service plan.
If DD Board staff want to share your personal information with anyone who is not employed by the DD Board, you must give them written permission first. However, we may disclose your identity without your permission if necessary for your treatment or to obtain payment for services.
Some personal records, including confidential communications with a mental health professional and substance abuse records, may have additional restrictions for use and disclosure under state and federal law.
Payment – We keep records that include payment information and documentation of the services provided to you. Your information may be used to obtain payment for your services from Medicaid, insurance or other sources. For example, we may disclose personal information about the services provided to you to confirm your eligibility for Medicaid and to obtain payment from Medicaid. The DD Board may use your personal information to determine the amount and type of Medicaid services you need and send this information to the proper state department
Health Care Operations – We use personal information to improve the quality of care, train staff, manage costs, conduct required business duties, and make plans to better serve you and other individuals enrolled in the DD Board. For example, we may use your personal information to evaluate the quality of treatment and services provided by our service staff.
Other Services We Provide
We may also use your personal information to:
Developmental Disabilities and the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services;
More Information
For more information about the practices and rights described in this notice:
When You Must Provide Written Authorization
You sign a written authorization for all of the following:
Sharing Your Personal Information
There are limited situations when we are permitted or required to disclose personal information without your signed authorization. These situations are:
All other uses and disclosures, not described in this notice, require your signed authorization. You may revoke your authorization at any time with a written statement.
Disability Rights Ohio (DRO) filed a state-wide class action captioned Ball v. Kasich Case No. 2:16-cv-282 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio. The suit was filed on March 31, 2016 against the Governor, Department of Developmental Disabilities, Department of Medicaid and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. The Ohio Association of County Boards Serving People with Developmental Disabilities may become a defendant in the lawsuit. The Plaintiffs are represented by DRO and other lawyers from Massachusetts, Illinois, Michigan and Washington D.C.
The action potentially affects all adults with DD. The parties to the lawsuit, through their lawyers, have sought and will continue to seek documentation, including Protected Health Information, on individuals who are or who may be a part of this lawsuit, or who may have information relevant to this lawsuit or who are simply receiving services from DD Boards. The DD Board will comply with requests for information and may provide Protected Health Information on any person served by the DD Board to the lawyers for any of the parties. All information provided in connection with this lawsuit is covered by a protective order issued by the court which complies with HIPAA and other privacy regulations, and which ensures that the information about any individual cannot be disclosed outside of the lawsuit without their permission. At the conclusion of the lawsuit, all protected health information which was disclosed or retained by any party in the course of the lawsuit will be destroyed.
For further information on the lawsuit or the Protective Order, contact OACBDD.
Our Privacy Responsibilities
The DD Board is required by law to:
We reserve the right to make changes to this notice at any time and make the new privacy practices effective for all information we maintain.
Current notices will be posted in the DD Board facilities and on our website,
You may also request a copy of any notice from the DD Board Privacy Officer.
Your Individual Rights
You have the right to:
Requests marked with a star (*) must be made in writing. Contact the DD Board Privacy Officer for the appropriate form for your request.
Contact Us
If you would like further information about your privacy rights, are concerned that your privacy rights have been violated, or disagree with a decision that we made about access to your personal information:
Contact the DD Board
Privacy Officer:
Chris Smith
801 Drake Road
Lebanon, Ohio 45036
Phone: 513-228-6449
or E-mail:
We will investigate all complaints and will not retaliate against you for filing a complaint.
You also may file a written complaint with any of the following:
The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at 200
Independence Avenue SW, Washington D.C., 20201 or call 1-877-696-6775; or
The Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at
200 Independence Avenue SW, Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington D.C.,
20201 or call OCR’s hotline – voice at 1-800-368-1019, or e-mail at ocrmail@hhs.gov
Attorney General for State of Ohio 30 E. Broad St., 17th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215 or by e-mail at ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Contact
Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Website by Midnet Media.