When it comes to the our health we can never be too careful. We have put together a few useful links to help inform you about guidelines but also different documentations you may need as you go. Our links have been divided into easy access categories below with contact information if you still need further assistance.

To be added to provider services in Warren County, email a copy of your certification provided by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (including your current contact information, name/name of agency, address, phone/fax number, and email address).

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Provider Certification

In preparation for becoming a Certified Provider, create an email account that is designated for your new business. This email address must be kept on file with DODD and any changes to this account must be updated. DODD's Billing and Documentaiton Training must be completed within 60 days of your certification. The Billing and Documentation Training can be found on DODD's MyLearning.


DODD's Billing and Documentation Training must be completed within 60 days of your certification.

The Billing and Documentation Training can be found on
 DODD My Learning.

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